Ecuador 2019

Greetings, everyone!

This year for University of the Pacific’s wheelchair distribution trip with the Rotary Club and Hope Haven West, we will be traveling to Portoviejo, Ecuador. As we get closer to our departure, we have discussed many of our expectations and excitement with each other and our faculty chaperone, Dr. Whitney Davis. 

On this trip, we expect…

  • To learn a deeper appreciation for our roles and duties as clinicians after interacting with the underserved communities in a country so vastly different from ours
  • To display our knowledge and altruism as students and healthcare professionals
  • To be challenged and learn to grow from the obstacles we will face
  • To be able to communicate, understand, and relate to individuals with diverse economic and cultural backgrounds
  • To learn to make connections and share experiences with all individuals despite any communication barriers
  • To receive invaluable experience working with various neurological conditions which we have yet to encounter

We’ve been preparing for weeks now, and we’re excited to be able to bridge the gap in community access for the many individuals and families who we will help through this seating clinic. We’re nervous to not only need to communicate over a language barrier, but also to meet individuals with needs that require a lot of creativity if/when we are met with inadequate supplies or equipment. We look forward to learning more about the rich Ecuadorian culture and interact with the locals as we plan to return from the trip with more than just professional experience. We look forward to sharing our journey and experiences with you.


Ecuador Four

Ecuador 4 Dr Davis

Sierra Downum, Jessica Matias, Dr. Whitney Davis, Kimberly Phongprateep, Karandeep Gill

Countdown to Ecuador: 20 days